2nd–4th March - The Representational Art Conference an international

 hosted by the California Lutheran University to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ventura, California. I shall be talking about representation, kitsch and the avant-garde. Public event, by prior purchase of tickets book here.

5th–7th March - Guest lecture on the philosophy of the Environment

Ancillary talks at the University of Colorado by invitation of Steven Hayward, the inaugural Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy. On March 5th this will be held in the Atlas 100 Auditorium at 6.30pm - 8pm.

7th March to 13th March - I shall be around in Washington at EPPC.

20th March – I shall be talking to the composition class on musical aesthetics

Tonality and the situation of the contemporary composer at Trinity Laban Conservatory, Greenwich. Talk starts at 2pm.

27th March – Oxford Literary Festival

I shall be promoting my new novel Notes from Underground, and my forthcoming book from Princeton University Press, The Soul of the World. Venue: Corpus Christi College, Oxford, at 12 noon for 1 hour, Ticket price £11 click here to buy tickets.

11th–13th April - Conference 'Thinking the Sacred with Roger Scruton'

A conference devoted to my work, at the Centre for Research on Religion, McGill University, Montreal.

14th April - Talk to Philosophy Department, McGill University

15th April – Lecture 'Order and Fluidity

Reflections on Post-Modern Architecture' at the Department of Architecture, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Illinois at 4.30pm – 6.30pm. To watch this lecture live on April 16th, 2014, please visit http://architecture.nd.edu/live/ at 4:30 PM EST

22nd April – Talk 'What do conservatives really believe?'

Sponsored by The Program on Freedom and Free Societies at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Time 5:30pm at 165 Statler Hall

25th April – Talk on St Francis and Christian Ecology

At the Thomistic Institute NYU at 4 p.m.

29th April – Talk to promote Notes from Underground and The Soul of the World

At Heffers Book Shop Cambridge at 18:30pm Buy tickets for £7.00 here.

7th–16th May - I shall be visiting Australia, as a guest of the Institute of Public Affairs.

20th May – Blackwells Bookshop Oxford

Talk to promote The Soul of the World and Notes from Underground.

28th May – Hay festival talk

18th June - The 2014 Margaret Thatcher Conference

On Liberty, Guildhall London, Click Here

2nd July - London School of Philosophy Summer School

8th July - The Telegraph Way With Words Festival of Words and Ideas, Dartington Hall

10th July - Public Lecture, University of Warsaw

19th July - Buxton Literary Festival

24th July - Introducing Oliver Rudland's opera, Pincher Martin, Benjamin Britten Theatre, Royal College of Music


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